If you Learned Something!
There is a memory I have from when I was 8 or 9 years old. The mother of one of my neighborhood friends was driving us out to get Ice Cream. And I was complaining about something that happened at school that day. This event felt like a waste and left me very upset.
This mother stopped me in mid-rant and said “It wasn’t a waste of time if you learned something”
For whatever reason this lesson has stuck with me all these 50+ years. And I call it to mind every time I feel that I could have spent my time better.
Recently I was exposed to an internet scam that was believable enough to have me invest many hours in it. Fortunately my instincts kicked in before any monetary loss occurred. But the hours spent were gone forever.
What did I learn?
Don’t do that again! Of course that is the obvious answer… but there is more
Become more savvy when approached by a ‘too good to be true’ offer.
Ask pointed questions earlier in the process. (this would have taken care of this hours earlier)
Let it go. Whatever it cost in time spent is minimal compared to the rest of the wonderful events and experiences I have in my life.
How Can you Use this Life Lesson?
Let it be OK . there will be times when you put in more time or money than you got back.
Keep moving forward. This event/experience was just another moment in your life. What else is out there to explore?
Be thankful for ALL that you love about your life.
After all, we can’t stop the waves (time and money wasters) but we CAN learn to surf!
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Agreed! I try to find the lesson in every bad experience. One of the most compelling approaches I ever heard of was a world-class athlete who lost the use of his legs. His mantra: “What can I create from this?” Still gives me goosebumps.
thanks for sharing that story Jackie. I got goosebumps too!
You know.. that is a GREAT explanation… if we took something away from it…. all is NOT lost, right?
you said it!
I love your phrase “let it go” because it signifies a mind shift change that can be instrumental in making the past stay in the past so that it doesn’t mess with the present or future. Learning to forgive myself or to release the events of the past has changed my life! Love your graphics and the inspirational feel of your article.
thanks so much Meghan. Sometimes it seems easier to focus on a past problem or situation but of course it is not very productive. Glad this post was a reminder to you as well!
Silently thank that mom who stopped you from complaining needlessly & gave you a lesson for life. Things happen all the time & we have to let them go. Maybe we need maturity & distance to let go faster.
Yes I agree that maturity helps. I am thankful for this lesson that stayed with me all these years.
Oh yes! It’s never a waste of time if we learn something. I couldn’t agree with that more. Thank you for the reminder!
Most welcome?
Love the surfing analogy …..I just pinned that quote to my Pinterest board of quotes to inspire business owners.
Thanks Catherine. I have a Pinterest quote Board too. It is a great resource and inspiration too
Some of the best things I’ve learned have been through mistakes. Love your tips on how to get moving or keep moving when you find you’ve made one!
Thanks Brenda. Agree about the ‘mistakes’ being the catalyst to positive changes
It is a good habit to have. Be thankful for all that we have, all of it, because nothing is bad. It was brought for a reason, to determine that we either want it or don’t want it.
That’s all it is. A point of discernment.
Focus on what we want. Be in Bliss as often as possible.
Well said. Thanks for the great comment?
Yes, great lessons are learned if we choose to see them. I love you’re “let it go” statement. No reason to waste more time worrying about how much time was wasted! 🙂
Thanks Mindy. Let it go speaks volumes?
Great lesson. If I count how many times I’ve invested into something with very high hopes to lose the money, I stopped counting. One thing I know for sure, it taught me to let go, make quick decisions and to stick wit it.
Thanks Webly. Love your comment to make a decision and move on. We really have no other choice..right?