This is one of my Favorite stones! While most think onyx is a black stone... this is far from true. Most of the solid black onyx you see has been dyed to cover up the inclusions. The slab shown here is from my stone soup collection. You can see the white and tan inclusions clearly. To me, this is what makes this semi precious stone so beautiful.................. The name onyx … [Read more...]
Search Results for: onyx
Carnelian: The Sunset Stone
Have you ever wondered why carnelian, a fiery reddish-orange gemstone, has captivated people for thousands of years? Revered by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Romans, carnelian was often worn as a talisman for courage and protection. It’s more than just a pretty stone—carnelian has deep roots in history, adorned royalty, and inspired legends. Join me in … [Read more...]
Is it Howlite or is it turquoise?
Hello! I'm Alene, a jewelry designer with a passion for gemstones. Based in Arizona, my studio constantly showcases a variety of stunning stones, including some you may have never heard of before. Today, let's dive into the captivating world of Howlite. What is Howlite? Howlite is a mesmerizing white gemstone with striking black veins that run through its surface. This … [Read more...]
A peek at my Beads Collection
My bead collection is a vital part of my design business. Over these many years I have purchased a variety of gems. In the early years I bought whatever was bright and beautiful and did not give much thought to the type of gem, the quality of the gem or the origin of the gems. Let's just say I have learned a LOT over the past years. Most of the those early finds are long gone. … [Read more...]
Moonstone; Slice of Pure Moonlight
This iridescent and pearlescent gem has been revered for centuries. If you are a June baby you can claim this gem as your birthstone. Lucky June babies! This gem is predominately white but also can be grey or peach colored. Black inclusions can occur too. These inclusions are actually tourmaline. Personally I prefer the white version. Locations around the world mine this gem. … [Read more...]