Did you know that about 20% of my designs are custom created at the request of a customer? My customer wants a different size, a different gem, or even an altered design, based upon my aesthetic. I am happy to oblige. Over the years I have designed custom earrings, rings and pendants. I ask only that you as the customer, give me more time to complete the finished piece. Please … [Read more...]
Gemstones from a Stalactite?
Yes believe it or not this rainbow solar quartz gem originates from a stalactite. These are the calcium icicles that hang in a limestone cave. Once they are mined, they are sliced to create this amazing gem. Sadly the rainbow colors are not natural. They are added infused into the gem before the final cabochon is created. Once I discovered this incredible I had to create … [Read more...]
Goldstone; Is it really a stone?
Isn't this gem gorgeous? I agree. Except for the fact that is is NOT a gem or a stone. Goldstone is actually made from glass. An Italian from Venice (Vincenzo Miotti) had the exclusive license to create this stone. In addition to opaque glass, this gem has flecks of copper. That's what gives it the sparkle you see here. In the 17th century the Miotti family perfected the … [Read more...]
Fun with Perforated Steel
Who knew that perforated steel, which is used in a variety of construction and manufacturing applications, is also good for designing jewelry? I found this out earlier this year when I took a class on working with steel and gold. Since that time I have been experimenting with lots of ways to use this amazing material. these earrings were designed with expanded steel. Of … [Read more...]
A Tale of Four Metals
These 4 metals are my raw materials! (along with my gemstones of course). When I first began my jewelry designing journey, I worked exclusively with Copper and sterling silver. We were trained on copper since it's value was much less than silver, yet it reacts very similar to silver when heated or textured. I fused silver to copper as an experiment and fell in love with the … [Read more...]