We are surrounded with hundreds of colors. The latest PANTONE color guide lists over 1750 different shades, combinations and nuances of the primary colors.[tweet_dis_img][/tweet_dis_img] Isaac Newton made a study of color starting at the age of 23 in 1666 and developed the useful Newton color circle . He realized that some colors (magenta, purple) could not be produced as … [Read more...]
Craving Comfort? Add brown to your life
The color brown is a serious, down-to-earth and comforting color. Officially brown is a mixture of red, yellow & blue. All shades (beige, taupe, tan, chocolate) tend to convey feelings of warmth and comfort. Brown has been used in art since prehistoric times. Paintings of brown horses and other animals have been found on the walls of the Lascaux cave dating back about … [Read more...]
Demand Attention! Wear RED
Red does the trick when you want someone to notice you or your online/printed materials. Just be careful how much you use. A bright red dress or suit will certainly attract attention... but did you want THAT much of it? Most of all using touches of red is a better option. This creates passion and excitement without overpowering others. Wear a red statement necklace, tie or … [Read more...]
Is White REALLY a Color?
The answer is YES! White is actually all colors combined. They taught us that in grade school. Remember? I tend to forget other things but this fact from grade school is still embedded in my brain " White is the presence of all colors and black is the absence of all colors." Officially the fact is: White contains an equal balance of all colors in the spectrum. When we think … [Read more...]
Does the Color Orange Make You Happy?
Did you know that orange is the only color of the spectrum that is named after an object? There was no word for the color Orange until the fruit first arrived in Europe. Because of the cost associated with shipping from the tropics, orange became associated with aristocracy. Through Renaissance art, the color orange had great symbolic importance as the color of … [Read more...]