This rich purple gemstone has been revered for centuries. it is considered the color of royalty. However, there are fascinating facts about this gem that you might not know! How did amethyst get it's name and where DOES the purple color come from? It's name comes from the Greek amethustos meaning 'not drunk'. it was believed that if you drink from a vessel made from … [Read more...]
Why Did Pirates Wear Earrings?
And more fascinating facts about earrings. Ancient pirates and sailors wore earrings! Earrings were a sign of their travels. Newer sailors got earrings after their first crossing of the equator or once they have rounded Cape Horn. In addition, earrings were said to improve or even cure poor eyesight. Other legends suggest that piercing your ear (and wearing an earring) … [Read more...]
20 Million Years in the Making. Petrified Palmwood Root
I discovered this gem last year. Immediately I was intrigued with the history and especially the beauty. Yes it's true that these gems were formed 20 million years ago in Indonesia. The tree trunks became replaced with quartz while still preserving the wooden features and structure. The inclusions and patterns are endless but typically are combinations of black and caramel … [Read more...]
Moonstone; Slice of Pure Moonlight
This iridescent and pearlescent gem has been revered for centuries. If you are a June baby you can claim this gem as your birthstone. Lucky June babies! This gem is predominately white but also can be grey or peach colored. Black inclusions can occur too. These inclusions are actually tourmaline. Personally I prefer the white version. Locations around the world mine this gem. … [Read more...]
Moonstone; the gem of inner strength
Moonstone is a translucent gem that has an opalescent look. Your moonstone design dances in the light. Try it and experience its amazing beauty. Most of the designs I create using moonstone are in the grey, blue and rainbow varieties. There are also varieties that have orange, pink and even green highlights. All of them are a sight to behold. Moonstone when worn is said to … [Read more...]