Yes believe it or not this rainbow solar quartz gem originates from a stalactite. These are the calcium icicles that hang in a limestone cave. Once they are mined, they are sliced to create this amazing gem. Sadly the rainbow colors are not natural. They are added infused into the gem before the final cabochon is created. Once I discovered this incredible I had to create … [Read more...]
Goldstone; Is it really a stone?
Isn't this gem gorgeous? I agree. Except for the fact that is is NOT a gem or a stone. Goldstone is actually made from glass. An Italian from Venice (Vincenzo Miotti) had the exclusive license to create this stone. In addition to opaque glass, this gem has flecks of copper. That's what gives it the sparkle you see here. In the 17th century the Miotti family perfected the … [Read more...]
Day at the Beach Jewelry Designs
Peruvian Opal Gemstones have the most vibrant colors. I love the combination of turquoise, teal and caramel. It reminds me of spending time on the beach, letting the sand wiggle between my toes while I absorb the ocean breeze. Since most of us rarely have ready access to the beach, I implore you to imagine the feeling of being at the beach. Wearing these Peruvian Opal … [Read more...]
Rhodochrosite; Gemstone of Love
Rhodochrosite was first discovered by the Inca's. They believed that this gem was actually the blood of ancient rulers. Pretty cool! This gem is found primarily in Argentina and Colorado. So it is somewhat rare. In fact certain Indian tribes considered it more precious than gold! This rich pink gemstone will feature white bands as shown in this pendant. Want to find out … [Read more...]
Malachite; Egyptian Eye Makeup?
Yes you heard Correctly. In Ancient Egypt malachite was ground up and used in eye makeup. I don't recommend you try it though. Malachite dust can be toxic to humans. The designs I create use stabilized malachite so you need not concern yourself if you love to wear these gorgeous green gemstones. Craving more legends about malachite? Russian legend tells us that malachite … [Read more...]