Newest designs shown here. Recently I added this category to my site. It seems that the most asked question I get is.. What's New?. Each of us wants to see the latest and greatest available dont we? I do this myself when I shop. I want to informed of new stuff. It's human nature. With that in mind I created What's New to highlight the designs I just completed. My designs … [Read more...]
Is it KARAT? or CARAT?
Are you confused by these two words? Then I am here to help. First of all, they are two separate words with a completely different meaning. KARAT: A karat is a measurement indicating the proportion of gold in an alloy out of 24 parts CARAT: A carat is a unit of weight used to measure the size of a gemstone such as a diamond. What does 12k gold mean? Now that we know … [Read more...]
What a difference some texture makes!
Lately I have been playing around with adding more texture to my designs. While texture is always a strong part of my collection I felt the need to step up my game a little. Why not look good coming AND going? Texturing the back of the earring design you see here opens up a whole new world for me. Normally the texture is on the front surrounding the gem, while the back … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Specials
Mother's Day is right around the corner. This year (2022) it falls on Sunday May 8th. I love this opportunity to say THANK YOU to Mom. Sadly my Mom passed many years ago but I still spend extra time remembering her at this time of year. Her love for me was evident in the way she raised me. I cherish the memories of these times. If you are lucky enough to have a mom that is … [Read more...]
Just what IS a Fat Finger day?
Fat finger day occurs when the ring you wear all the time suddenly will not FIT the appropriate finger! Frustrating when this happens. Exactly why it happens is somewhat of a mystery. We know that humidity can play a huge part in fattening up your fingers. So you have spent the day at the beach, boating, hiking or perhaps just enjoying the sunshine with family and friends. If … [Read more...]