Where do you get your ideas? this is my favorite question! The answer is everywhere! Pictured above is an ocotillo cactus in bloom. When I first moved here from the Midwest I was drawn to this particular plant. I love the graceful way the branches seem to reach out towards the sky. The gorgeous orange blossoms just enhance it's beauty. If you have been following me for … [Read more...]
What exactly ARE Cabochons?
If you have been reading my blogs or following me in a variety of places, then you have heard me use the term cabochon. The photo above shows you a sampling of the personal collection I use for jewelry making. First, what IS a cabochon and how was it named? Cabochons (cabs for short) are stones that are cut, polished and shaped with a domed top and flat back. This shape … [Read more...]
Jewelry Designs are perfect every time… NOT!
What a wonderful world this would be if I could create gorgeous jewelry and have it work out the first time.. every time. Sadly the life of a jewelry designer is not so black and white. Over the years I have learned so much from my mishaps. At least this is the way I choose to think of my mistakes. I am the eternal optimist. The pendant shown here has gone through several … [Read more...]
Follow my progress over the years.
My design journey began in 2008. I took several metals classes and knew I was hooked forever! This design is my very first attempt at fusing metals. I still love this necklace. I do need to give it a good cleaning but you get the idea. Fast forward to today and I still use this process in many of my creations. I love that each design using this process is truly one of a … [Read more...]
Finished! Several designs now done.
yes I am nearing the finish line for the designs I started a few weeks ago. The Holidays got in the way of having them done in a more timely fashion. Then again isnt that what holidays are all about? Celebrating with family and friends. The 3 designs shown here are the first three out of the gate. I have a few more rings to show you in the image below. For now I want to … [Read more...]