Were you born between May 21st and June 21st?
Guess that means you are a Gemini… AND it means you love to talk!
That’s a good thing believe me. Because you Geminis are able to express yourselves so well. You love learning everything there is to know about EVERYTHING. You will explore everywhere in search of more knowledge.
The symbol of the twins expresses a Gemini’s ability to see all sides of any issue.
My husband is a Gemini. His thirst for knowledge is never ending. I cannot tell you how many times I have picked up a magazine or novel to help me relax.. only to see my husband reading a 600 page history of the Chinese culture. (one of many he has absorbed into his cache of learning. And while I consider myself well educated with a very good command of the English language.. there are many times that he uses terms in the course of normal conversation that I cannot define. But when I ask him the meaning, he can blurt it out without referring to any reference material. This can be maddening by the way 🙂
Do you have a Gemini in your life? Here is what you need to know. They are…
deeply curious
quick-thinking and fast on their feet.
love to share their knowledge
tend to lack focus. (after all they want to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING)
Gemstones associated with Gemini include:
Aquamarine: aids in their clear communication
Tiger’s Eye: helps the Twins remain balanced.
Variscite: creates inner peace and deeper love connections.
Now you have a clearer knowledge of the inner workings of the Gemini.
Visit Alene’s Adornments to see my designs using these gems
If you enjoyed this post you may like : Cancer; Your Sign and Gemstones
My husband is also a Gemini, but he doesn’t like to talk much. (I do enough talking for both of us!) He does exhibit the other qualities, though. I’m not sure if he lacks focus or if his lust for knowledge makes him hop from interest to interest. LOL! I do appreciate that he loves life and wants to keep learning. Tiger’s Eye is beautiful, and I think it’s so cool how you tie the information about gemstones in with your products.
thanks so much about the comments on the gemstones.. Makes it more fun for me too! Glad you have a Gemini Hubby too. They can be challenging but it is never dull 🙂
While I don’t believe in astrology, I had to laugh at “Guess that means you are a Gemini… AND it means you love to talk!” My birthday is June 21st. My parents say I was talking when I was born and haven’t stopped yet. I guess it’s good I am a speaker!
thanks Mark. I don’t have any other Gemini’s to compare with my husband, so am pleased to know another ‘Twin’ loves to speak 🙂
Oh I love anything to do with signs. I have a few Gemini’s in my life and this is dead on. Thanks so much for the interesting article. I will definitely read more. Im a Taurus but I love reading about all of the signs. 🙂
Thanks Jill. It certainly is interesting how the Zodiac signs can predict things about us. I am a Sagittarius. Their traits describe me to a tee.
Lol – I am a Gemini too and as a social media trainer, I talk, learn all the time and leave everything to the last minute! If it doesn’t stimulate me in the first five minutes I tend to stop what ever it is but that was more so when I was younger! I tend to finish what I have started now to be a better influence to my kids.
I didn’t know that about the Tigers Eye stone so might just pick one up to see if it helps!
Great post Alene x
Thanks Melanie. Yes I can imagine that trying to be a role model for your kids will change some behaviors 🙂
You would LOVE tigers Eye. It is gorgeous!
The pendant in your photo is beautiful. I love that color of green – it pops next to the silver. 🙂
Thanks Brenda I do love that gem too?
My oldest friend is a Gemini. She NEVER stops talking. And I love it! We live on opposite sides of the country now, but we can pick up just like it was yesterday. Thanks for this!
Hi Jennifer. So glad you have such a great relationship with your sister. And a Gemini to boot?
My brother is a Gemini and yes it sure sounds like him. Thanks for sharing. .
Thanks Vicky. Sounds like you grew up with a curious sibling
Hey… My daughter is a Gemini. Seems correct. hahaha Thank you 🙂
Thanks Max guess you better invest in ear plugs ?
I’ve always found astrology fascinating, although I don’t subscribe any truth to it. I loved the photo of the variscite pendant (probably because green is my favorite color; I’ve never heard of that gemstone before. Thanks for the information.
thanks Carol. It is amazing how accurate astrology can be. Hard to say if there is any reason to think it is luck or fact 🙂
Variscite is mined in Utah.. It is a great stone. I had purchased a few pieces of them several years ago in Tucson and am finally using them in designs!
My son is a Gemini and he’s a talker. Sometimes I just watch his mouth move and get exhausted – lol!
How funny! thanks for sharing Stacy 🙂
The variscite pendant is beautiful — clicked over to see more of your work. The detail in your creations is stunning!
Thanks so much Mindy. I sure love the creation process??