My name is Button (the cat)
I have been asked by my human Mom to write this post about the art of relaxation. Perhaps you are aware that cats are experts in this field.. and I revel in this knowledge. Relaxing (anywhere, anytime) is 2nd nature to me.
Here are my tips to help you in your pursuit of relaxation.
1. Practice the art of BEING. It seems to me that humans are more about DOING and less about BEING. From my perspective, as a cat, you have it all backwards! Doing is great when you are so motivated. I for one love to play a lot. I chase bugs, play with my feather toy and anything else in the house that piques my interest at the moment
2. Kneading. One of the favorite things I do to relax. I alternately push my paws against something soft (often a human) I learned this as a kitten. The kneading against my birth mom’s breast helped her to lactate. Even now as an adult cat, I find kneading very soothing.
So Humans don’t knead. I get that! But you can stretch and yawn. Step away from your desk right now and try it. It feels good doesn’t it?
3. Remember to Sleep. Right at the top of my list. In fact, some days I sleep a full 18 hours. Even this Rock under my head doesn’t stop me. I am comfortable anywhere. I have figured out that humans do not like to sleep this long. It’s all part of that DOING instead of BEING syndrome, I surmise. Can we compromise?
Promise to sleep 8 hours a day AND take time during the day to stretch and laugh.
4. Take time to Explore and Discover. We cats are SO curious about everything. And we have a strong need to know our surroundings in detail. Every time my human opens a door or cupboard, I am right there to find out what is inside. After all I might need to know this information sometime in the future!
I LOVE to explore. I want humans to know how much you can learn by opening one new door. What opportunity looms for you there?
5. Petting. I added this because I LOVE IT when you pet me. I get even more relaxed and start purring. So Heavenly! Tell the truth. Don’t you also feel great when you stop what you are doing and pet me? This is what we cats and humans both refer to as a win-win.
Humans have a saying that is so true. “If you want to find the most comfortable place in the house.. Look for the cat.” We just have a knack for finding all the comfy places.
Taking it easy is vital to the human psyche. I observe my human often wrestling with something. (I don’t understand your language, so can only go by observation of her behavior. When she finally decides to give up the ghost and pet me (that’s the best time) or take a nap, then I can tell when she awakes that she is relaxed and brimming with insight, ideas and passion. If she would not have taken the time to step away, then she would be even more stressed..and I would not get petted (which is my right as her owner)
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THIS is the BEST ONE YET I love it
Love this article plus the pictures. Dogs are the very same way. We should take more advise from our loving pets. Stop, rest and smell the roses. We are only on this earth for a certain amount of time. Great article.
Precious and so very true! A great reminder to stop, and take in the beauty of our creatures and the creation!
The timing of this is perfect for me! You’ve convinced me it is time to take a nap. It is actually my dog Angel that teaches me this more. Princess Gray, the cat is more interested in scratching my nose and making sure I am awake and paying attention to her!
I totally agree. I’m ready to hiss less and purr more! Thanks for the reminder.
Yes cats have a way of making sure we are awake and giving them their full attention..except when THEY don’t want to be disturbed
I bet you are a cat lover and the reasons why are so contagious!
Yes I have always been a cat lover Teresa
What a cute post from Button’s perspective. Cats are truly the experts of relaxation so I take their advice very seriously. This is such a great reminder we all need to take time out to relax.
you said it Tami. Cats are the true experts when it comes to relaxation
Thank you Buttons for all the important reminders and lessons that we humans can learn from cats. I have two beautiful cats who live with me, Jack and Jinx, and both of them are exceptional teachers for me. Each is individual and fascinating to observe all the time. Before Jack and Jinx lived with me I would have told you I am “not a cat person”, however thanks to them, I adore cats. Jinx loves to knead and sleep in the most unusual places. Jack loves comfort and looks for the soft cushy spots, like a bed or a chair. They are very different in their temperaments too. Jack is more chill and Jinx is a higher energy little guy. For those who don’t think they are cat people, I can only tell them in my experience, once you get to know a cat…you will love them! Thanks for the lovely post, Alene and Buttons.
Hahaha! Good one. I agree with Button. We all need to loosen and lighten up a bit.
so true! thanks Jackie.
Hi Alene. Very cute way of passing on a message. I’ll say that the one on sleeping is particularly important to me as over the weekend, I attended my granddaughter’s dance convention (3 days.) We needed to be up at 5 am, drove a little more than one hour to be at the event and then come home very late at night (we got home at 2 am on the Saturday.)
Let me say that I now realize that I’m no spring chicken and I don’t bounce back from lack of sleep as when I was younger. It’s been four days and I’m still feeling the effects. So I guess this calls for a cat nap. 😉