Over the span of my jewelry design career, I noticed that people tend to ask me the same five (or similar) questions. For this reason I dedicate this blog to one of those questions. I will answer other questions in subsequent blogs. How did you get started ? Jewelry has always been an integral part of my fashion. Over the years I purchased lots of it! Because of this Art … [Read more...]
What treasures will I find in Tucson this year?
Each Year I attend the Gem show in Tucson. The February event is the largest venue for purchasing anything gem or rock related. Actually this show consists of about 40 different venues. Vendors come from around the world to showcase their wares. The city of Tucson is virtually taken over. Just TRY to find a hotel room during these 2 weeks! The entire experience is one to savor. … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Gemstone & Rock Junkie
Yes I confess. I am a gemstone and rock junkie. It started out slowly. I began designing jewelry using copper and sterling. Right away I knew that gemstones were going to be part of the designs. In the beginning I learned about a few basic stones and used them exclusively. Amethyst, malachite, turquoise, tigers eye, sodalite, rhodochrosite and picture jasper adorned most of my … [Read more...]
Where in the World can you find Charoite?
Charoite is a gorgeous lavender gemstone that I work with in my designs. It is gorgeous on it's own of course. But pair it with amethyst or moonstone and the gem just pops. Early on in my work with the gem, I researched it and discovered that it is only mined in Russia. This is one of the details about charoite that makes it even more unique and desirable. Recently I was … [Read more...]
Finished! Several designs now done.
yes I am nearing the finish line for the designs I started a few weeks ago. The Holidays got in the way of having them done in a more timely fashion. Then again isnt that what holidays are all about? Celebrating with family and friends. The 3 designs shown here are the first three out of the gate. I have a few more rings to show you in the image below. For now I want to … [Read more...]