Did you ever have one of those weeks? or months? So much is happening in your life and you feel like things are spinning out of control? Recently I was in this exact place. I had so many plates spinning in the air with only 2 hands to catch them. Now my life is normally filled with extra 'plates' but for some reason this time it got to me. I was in overwhelm mode with no idea … [Read more...]
It Wasn’t a Waste of Time….
If you Learned Something! There is a memory I have from when I was 8 or 9 years old. The mother of one of my neighborhood friends was driving us out to get Ice Cream. And I was complaining about something that happened at school that day. This event felt like a waste and left me very upset. This mother stopped me in mid-rant and said "It wasn't a waste of time if you learned … [Read more...]
Jewelry Design: Where Does Inspiration come from?
I am often asked where my ideas originate when designing a jewelry piece. The answer is... everywhere! Yep, that is pretty vague. I get it. Let's see if I can give you a few examples. Nature. Anytime I can get outside away from the day to day events and distractions.. I get inspired! Sometimes a simple walk around our pond can do the trick. Other times I need to hike … [Read more...]
5,6,7,8.. Who & What do we appreciate?
As the Holidays wind to a close this year, I have been thinking of all the people and things in my life that I appreciate. Have you ever done that?.. just realize how lucky we all are to have people (and animals) who love us and 'things' that bring us pleasure. I decided right then and there to list all my 'appreciates'. What I created was a list that is endless. Each time … [Read more...]
Sacred Spiral; Your Spiritual Connection
Are you as fascinated by Spirals as I am? A Spiral starts as a smaller tight circle and expands quickly to infinity. The spiral is an ancient symbol representing growth, spirituality and evolution. furthermore it has been found in cave carvings, burial sites, shells, weapons and the Milky Way. Skipping a stone on the water creates a spiral too. Many believe that the … [Read more...]