So Many Hammers... So Little time! Hammers are an essential piece of my design experience. Each year I purchase more and more hammers. To date I own 31 hammers. Each hammer is designed for a specific task. Texturing hammers (and I have several) are used to create texture and design in the metal. I have ones that create patterns such as tiny squares or circles, a … [Read more...]
Cloud Dreams; My Newest Collection
Have you ever spent a lazy afternoon gazing at the clouds on a sunny day…picking out shapes, naming them, dreaming, and having fun? This is the spirit that inspired me to create my CLOUD DREAMS collection. Finding the Gem The stones (from Indonesia) are White Plume Agate. I discovered this gem quite by accident. Over the last year I have been purchasing many of my … [Read more...]
How to Deal with a Creativity Block
You've heard of Writer's Block, right? This is when a novelist or other writer just cannot seem to move forward with the book they are writing. The ideas are just NOT flowing. Recently, as a jewelry designer, I experienced something similar. I'll create the scene for you here. My Creativity Block DAY In the morning I have ideas on how my day will unfold. I want to … [Read more...]
From the Heart Designs; A symbol of love
The heart symbolizes compassion, love and commitment. The shape we use for heart designs is not the true shape of our human heart. That being said, this stylized shape represents the heart and has for centuries. Some indicate that it's simple lines and form make it easy to visualize. Legends surround the heart Egyptians believed that the heart is the giver of life. … [Read more...]
What’s New?
Newest designs shown here. Recently I added this category to my site. It seems that the most asked question I get is.. What's New?. Each of us wants to see the latest and greatest available dont we? I do this myself when I shop. I want to informed of new stuff. It's human nature. With that in mind I created What's New to highlight the designs I just completed. My designs … [Read more...]