what does a typical day look like for a jewelry designer? First of all I can only give you my take on this topic. The nature of an artist or designer is such that we create in many different ways. I work with metals, gemstones and lots of fire! This may not be true for others though. My typical day at the bench I tend to segment my days to be more effective. The days I am … [Read more...]
Questions I get asked… as a Jewelry Designer
Where do you get your ideas? this is my favorite question! The answer is everywhere! Pictured above is an ocotillo cactus in bloom. When I first moved here from the Midwest I was drawn to this particular plant. I love the graceful way the branches seem to reach out towards the sky. The gorgeous orange blossoms just enhance it's beauty. If you have been following me for … [Read more...]
Questions People Ask me.. as a jewelry designer.
Over the span of my jewelry design career, I noticed that people tend to ask me the same five (or similar) questions. For this reason I dedicate this blog to one of those questions. I will answer other questions in subsequent blogs. How did you get started ? Jewelry has always been an integral part of my fashion. Over the years I purchased lots of it! Because of this Art … [Read more...]
Finished! Several designs now done.
yes I am nearing the finish line for the designs I started a few weeks ago. The Holidays got in the way of having them done in a more timely fashion. Then again isnt that what holidays are all about? Celebrating with family and friends. The 3 designs shown here are the first three out of the gate. I have a few more rings to show you in the image below. For now I want to … [Read more...]
Moving into phase 3 of my new designs
As you can see I made some progress since the last blog! In that episode I had just selected the designs I wanted to work with, including several new gemstones. So I skipped as step before showing you this video. Basically that step showed the first soldering done. This one shows the soldered designs attached to their backing plus I have indicated a few of the components I … [Read more...]