If you are a Pisces.. you were born this time of the year. February 20- March 20 to be exact. I'm not a Pisces but have known many in my lifetime. My old boyfriend is one. During the time with him, the Pisces traits became apparent to me. I also learned that as a Sagittarius, I am not exactly compatible with this Sun Sign. If you are a Taurus or a Virgo.. this is your love … [Read more...]
Amethyst; My All-Time Favorite Gemstone
I love amethyst. As far back as I can remember I have ALWAYS loved this gem. Before beginning my Jewelry Design Career, I purchased amethyst creations from other artisans. I still wear several of the pieces today. The rich purple in this gem is intoxicating. This Geode showcases the gem perfectly. My personal collection includes 4 amethyst geodes in varying sizes. While … [Read more...]
I am Crazy About Cabochons!
I know what you are thinking now... What IS a cabochon and why would someone be crazy about them? [tweet_dis_img][/tweet_dis_img]Here's the simple answer to both those questions. A cabochon is a gemstone that is highly polished, raised and rounded but not faceted. It features a flat bottom. The word is derived from the middle French 'caboche' meaning head. Now for the other … [Read more...]
Sagittarius Personality & Gemstones for your sign.
Do you want to be around someone who almost always sees the glass half full? Seek out a Sagittarius. I am intimately knowledgeable about this sign because I happen to BE a Sagittarius.. and from all my studies, I fit the descriptions perfectly! Throughout my entire life I am able to see the positive in any scenario. When I was younger some even compared me to … [Read more...]
‘Dare to Dream’ Jewelry Collection
[tweet_box design="box_07" float="none"]"Dare to Dream is the collection that embodies our desire to dream; our wish to allow our dreams to permeate our existence; to grow, to expand, to morph into even bigger dreams. To become reality." Alene Geed [/tweet_box] My very first experiment (after taking several classes) was one involving fusing metals to create a … [Read more...]