This gem is known as pink lace agate and is found in Indonesia. It is not to be confused with Crazy Lace agate. Yes they are both banded agates but Crazy Lace is mined in Mexico. It tends to be deeper colors with hues of brown, burnt orange, grey and yellow. Pink Lace Agate origins As indicated, this gem hails ONLY from Indonesia. Moreover It is a recent find and more … [Read more...]
Introducing Pendant and Earring Sets
Over the past few years I notice people purchasing a pendant and contacting me to get matching earrings. Yes many are available online but the buyer has to spend time searching through all the options to find the best match. With this in mind, I am now offering complete sets online! This takes all the legwork out of the equation. So far I have listed 15 different sets … [Read more...]
Getting Hammered at the Jewelry Bench
So Many Hammers... So Little time! Hammers are an essential piece of my design experience. Each year I purchase more and more hammers. To date I own 31 hammers. Each hammer is designed for a specific task. Texturing hammers (and I have several) are used to create texture and design in the metal. I have ones that create patterns such as tiny squares or circles, a … [Read more...]
Cloud Dreams; My Newest Collection
Have you ever spent a lazy afternoon gazing at the clouds on a sunny day…picking out shapes, naming them, dreaming, and having fun? This is the spirit that inspired me to create my CLOUD DREAMS collection. Finding the Gem The stones (from Indonesia) are White Plume Agate. I discovered this gem quite by accident. Over the last year I have been purchasing many of my … [Read more...]
Turquoise; Legends & Facts
Did you know that turquoise is one of the first gemstones to be mined? In fact, turquoise beads were found in Mesopotamia dating back to 5000 BC! Turquoise was found in Egypt from the reign of Pharaoh Semerkhet in 2900BC. This ancient gemstone is still prized today and used in many different cultures including the American Indians. This blue/green stone varies in … [Read more...]