Bees create and store their honey in honeycomb matrixes. The honeycomb is seen as a symbol of safety and protection for those who wear the design. As the bee is all-important in this process, the symbols of hope, hard work and rewards enhance the wearer as well. My Honeycomb collection About a year ago I began working with steel in my designs. The discovery of perforated … [Read more...]
Do you know this about amethyst!
This rich purple gemstone has been revered for centuries. it is considered the color of royalty. However, there are fascinating facts about this gem that you might not know! How did amethyst get it's name and where DOES the purple color come from? It's name comes from the Greek amethustos meaning 'not drunk'. it was believed that if you drink from a vessel made from … [Read more...]
What’s New?
Newest designs shown here. Recently I added this category to my site. It seems that the most asked question I get is.. What's New?. Each of us wants to see the latest and greatest available dont we? I do this myself when I shop. I want to informed of new stuff. It's human nature. With that in mind I created What's New to highlight the designs I just completed. My designs … [Read more...]
Moonstone; Slice of Pure Moonlight
This iridescent and pearlescent gem has been revered for centuries. If you are a June baby you can claim this gem as your birthstone. Lucky June babies! This gem is predominately white but also can be grey or peach colored. Black inclusions can occur too. These inclusions are actually tourmaline. Personally I prefer the white version. Locations around the world mine this gem. … [Read more...]
What a difference some texture makes!
Lately I have been playing around with adding more texture to my designs. While texture is always a strong part of my collection I felt the need to step up my game a little. Why not look good coming AND going? Texturing the back of the earring design you see here opens up a whole new world for me. Normally the texture is on the front surrounding the gem, while the back … [Read more...]