Join with me as we learn more about this gorgeous blue/green gem. I want to share some of it's history and origins. Turquoise is one of the most iconic and cherished gemstones. Its striking blue and green hues have captivated people for centuries, earning it a special place in cultures around the world. As a jewelry designer based in Arizona, I’ve worked extensively with … [Read more...]
Is it Howlite or is it turquoise?
Hello! I'm Alene, a jewelry designer with a passion for gemstones. Based in Arizona, my studio constantly showcases a variety of stunning stones, including some you may have never heard of before. Today, let's dive into the captivating world of Howlite. What is Howlite? Howlite is a mesmerizing white gemstone with striking black veins that run through its surface. This … [Read more...]
Are You Ready to Rumble?
Rumble is an alternative site to YouTube. It has been growing in popularity for the last 2 years. I am excited to finally be a part of this exciting new platform. Currently I have downloaded about 12 videos and expect to get another 20 downloaded in the next few weeks. If you are already a part of this community, Please follow my page. You will discover lots of information … [Read more...]
Turquoise; Legends & Facts
Did you know that turquoise is one of the first gemstones to be mined? In fact, turquoise beads were found in Mesopotamia dating back to 5000 BC! Turquoise was found in Egypt from the reign of Pharaoh Semerkhet in 2900BC. This ancient gemstone is still prized today and used in many different cultures including the American Indians. This blue/green stone varies in … [Read more...]
Moonstone; Slice of Pure Moonlight
This iridescent and pearlescent gem has been revered for centuries. If you are a June baby you can claim this gem as your birthstone. Lucky June babies! This gem is predominately white but also can be grey or peach colored. Black inclusions can occur too. These inclusions are actually tourmaline. Personally I prefer the white version. Locations around the world mine this gem. … [Read more...]